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Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia - Recruitment CPNS For SMA, D3, S1 Tahun Anggaran 2013

penerimaan cpns ANRI 2013
cdcindonesia.com - Good evening all colleagues, job information to continue receiving our cpns back. Cpns reception following information comes from one of the state institutions and a non-ministerial agency in Indonesia with main duties in the field of archives administration, that is Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia or ANRI.Here is the profile of the institution can be seen as follows.ANRI is under and responsible to the President of Republic Indonesia. The Institution is based in Jakarta and headquartered in Jl Ampera Raya - Cilandak Timur Jakarta 12560. The organizational structure of the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia comprise of Head, Main Secretariat, Deputy, Main Inspectorate, Archives Service Center, and Centre for Education and Training (Pusdiklat). Currently, the Head of ANRI held by Gina Masudah Husni (Acting Head of ANRI).
To support the performance of these institutions and increase the budget target in 2013, Arsip Nasional Republik Indonesia  cpns opening reception for the following positions:
For those of you who are interested in the position for reception cpns in 2013 above,please register through sscn.bkn.go.id (11 - 26 September 2013).info
Please read the requirements properly. Only candidates with the appropriate qualifications and requirements will be processed for the next selection.