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Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia - Recruitment For CPNS Badan POM (D3, S1, S2) Tahun Anggaran 2013

cdcindonesia.com - We go back to receiving job information CPNS In 2013, following receipt of information to convey to our employess in 2013 from one of the non-ministerial agencies engaged in health and is a drug and food regulatory authority in Indonesia, that is Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan Republik Indonesia or Badan POM RI.Here is the profile of the institute you can see as follows.Badan POM RI  is under and responsible directly to the President of Republic Indonesia. The Agency also supported by 7 Balai POM, and 19 Balai Besar POM in all over Indonesia. Currently, the Head of Badan POM is Lucky S Slamet. She is assisted by 3 deputy, namely Deputy of Therapeutic Products and Narcotics, Psychotropic and Addictive Substance Control (Deputy I), Deputy of Traditional Medicines, Cosmetics and Complementary Product Control (Deputy II), and Deputy of Food Safety and Hazardous Substance Control (Deputy III).
To support the performance of these institutions and improve performance for fiscal year 2013, Badan POM RI  job opening for the position and the following requirements.
For those of you who are interested in admission in top civil servant in 2013 and has competence in accordance with job requirements above,please registration online through e-rekrutmen.pom.go.id (14 - 27 September 2013).info
Only candidates with the requirements and procedures for the appropriate application will be processed for the next selection.