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Perum PERURI - Recruitment For SMA, MA, SMK Fresh Graduated, Experienced January 2014

lowongan kerja perum peruri 2014
cdcindonesia.com - The spirit of co morning all, we want to get back to you all job information coming from one of the growing company in the field of finance manufacturing production and a state-owned company in Indonesia running business in integrated security printing and system, that is Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia or Perum PERURI.This company profile you can see the following in detail. Perum PERURI is already established since 1971 and formed as merger results of 2 state-owned company, namely PN Pertjetakan Kebajoran (PN Perkeba) and PN Artha Yasa.The Company is based in Jakarta and having production facility in Karawang West Java. At present, Perum PERURI has 5 subsidiaries/affiliates, namely Kertas Padalarang, Peruri Digital Security, Peruri Properti, Peruri Wira Timur and Peruri Divisi Barat.
To support the performance of the company and increase profits at the company for 2014, Perum Percetakan Uang Republik Indonesia  job opening for the position and requirements as follows:

  1. Asisten Operator Mesin Cetak di unit produksi
  2. Petugas Pemroses Akhir Hasil Produksi
  3. Petugas Administrasi/Keuangan 


  • Education
    • Group A, vocational high school (SMK), majoring in
      • Teknik Grafika (Persiapan/Produksi)
      • Teknik Mesin (Produksi/Umum/Industri/Perkakas/Pemesinan)
      • Teknik Listrik (Industri/Pemakaian/Instalasi/Tenaga)
      • Teknik Elektronika Insdustri/Teknik Otomasi Industri
      • Teknik Mekatronika
      • Teknik Pengerjaan Logam 
      • Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan
      • Desain/Lukis 
    • Group B 
      • SMA, MA (IPA/IPS)
      • SMK (Sekretaris/Adm Perkantoran/Akuntasi/Pemasaran/Komputer Akuntansi)
  • Age
    • Max birth year : 1991 
    • Special for SMK Grafika and Desain/Lukis with 1 year related experience : the oldest birth year can be considered up to 1990
  • Have a good health with min height of 160 cm (Male) and 155 cm (Female)
  • The average value of report cards grade 1 to grade 3
  • Group A : min 6.5 (six point five)
  • Group B : min 7.0 (seven point zero)
  • Not married (at the time of application or at the time of start working)
  • No tattooed, not pierced and preferably do not smoke 
Document Applications
  1. Application letter and addressed to Kepala Divisi SDM Perum Peruri cq. Kepala Departemen Pengembangan SDM, Jl. Tarum Barat, Desa Parung Mulya, Ciampel, Karawang
  2. Curriculum Vitae stamped Rp6.000, - include active telephone number and email
  3. Legalized copy of academic cerificate (SD and SMU)
  4. Legalized copy of academic certificate (SMA/MA/SMK) 
  5. Legalized copy of academic transcript or copy of Raport SMA/MA/SMK grade 1 to grade 3
  6. Copy of birth certificate (Akte), ID Card (KTP) and family card (KK)
  7. Copy of working reference 
  8. Recent color photograph 4x6 (4 pieces)
  9. Original unmarried certificate from village office (minimum as of 1 December 2013)

For those of you who are interested in the position for a job above and competent in accordance with job requirements above,please for the registration procedures as well as procedures you can see through the official website of Perum Peruri.apply
Please refer to the requirements and procedures for the registration you can see properly to avoid mistakes in registering.